A couple's suffering finally comes to an end when Jean, having lost his memory through shell shock, sees the cross of shame on Jenevieve's breast, gets his memory back and the two pledge their troth.
1 - giovani si scontrano con la polizia nelle vie di Parigi
2 - i giovani lanciano oggetti verso la polizia che scappa
3 - i poliziotti soccorrono un collega ferito a terra
4 - discorso...
Le film commence avec des vues de villages et d'architecture traditionnelle du Pays Basque, des Landes, de la Touraine, de la Normandie, de la Bretagne, d'Alsace. La voix off s'interroge : faut il tra...
La France en armes. Comment un citoyen devient soldat : habillement, entraînement sportif, corvée d’épluchage, réfectoire, formation militaire. Hommes dessinant avec leur corps sur le sol de la...
The film is highly disjointed and subject to several repeats and unrelated or divided scenes. It shows two soldiers (probably actors) coming to one of the small villages near Belfort. (Views of these ...
Pathé newsitems on the liberation festivities in Belgium. Mr. and Mrs. Poincaré, King Albert I and Queen Elisabeth, Marshal Foch and Cardinal Mercier visit the cities of Brussels, Ghent, Mechelen, A...